I took a walk through Ipanema early this morning… one last look through town. Its one of my favorite times of day in any city. Before the rush of the day sets in and the streets get crowded. It’s quiet, the sun is coming up and in any other city it would be a great time to get the camera out. (But of course, not here as I’d likely have it stolen pretty quickly.)
The residents of Ipanema are pulling themselves together after many days of celebration. Carnaval is over. Lent has begun. Today is a day of rest and recovery and most of the businesses in the city are still closed.
Residents down the street were all out washing the residue of Carnaval off of their sidewalks. It’s very symbolic of the contrast between the parties and celebrations of Carnaval and the period of Lent that follows. You can almost see it in their work… anxious to clean up their homes and move on, yet still very proud of this place and the traditions.
On TV they are showing the results of the parade from the Sambadrome. They are reading off the judges scores, one-by-one for each of the 14 schools . The scores are tallied for many categories including “presentation” and “happiness.” It’s been going on for a few hours now and the stadium is full of samba school fans cheering each score. Unfortunately, my school (Estácio de Sá) isn’t doing very well... in fact, they came in last! I don’t understand… I know I was very happy when we marched.
It’s been a wonderful month for me here and an incredible experience. I’ve met some great new friends, and got to spend a lot of time with my hosts Chris and Anderson better.
I’m not sure if I explained this early in the blog, but they met two years ago at Carnaval. Chris is from DC. Anderson is from Belem in northern Brazil. Unfortunately, due to our country’s immigration laws, Anderson is not able to visit the US though the two of them are in a two-year, committed relationship. So, Chris left his job at the company he founded to move here. They’re not sure where they will wind up, but I’m glad they’re together.
I met Anderson when I was traveling in Amsterdam in the summer of 2005. This is the first time I’ve seen the two of them together and it’s been a real treat to get to know them as a couple. I’m forever grateful to them both for opening their home and sharing their adopted city with me.
My bags are just about packed and I’m headed to the airport in a few hours for the overnight flight back to DC. (Yes, I’m wearing pants.)
On Friday, Rob and I head to Disney World to meet up w/ my brother Rick and his family for a few days of fun with the Mouse. After that its back home. I don’t know where I’ll be going next, but you can rest assured I’ll be writing about it and sharing some great pictures.
Thanks for checking in and following my journey.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Bad Blogger, Bad Blogger
How in the world could I go off and enjoy Carnaval weekend and leave you all hanging like that? Bad Blogger, Bad Blogger.
Needless to say, enjoy it I have. It's been a whirlwind of fun and I'll come back with more detail, but here's a quick recap.
The real signs that Carnaval was in full swing started to show up Thursday night. The usually (and relatively) quiet side streets of Rio started filling up with crowd barriers and street vendors. And, by street vendors I mean just about anyone who could drag a cooler full of water, soda and beer down the sidewalk was a full-fledged street vendor sitting side-by-side waiting for the crowds.
The crowds started to fill the street Thursday and Friday nights. But, it was really Saturday that the craziness broke out. We had made our evening trek to the gym and were walking home along the main street in Rio, Visconde de Piraja, when we came upon the Banda de Ipanema. You'll remember that Chris and I saw the Banda practice a few Saturdays ago. Tonight they were going all-out down the main drag... and had been doing so for at least 4 hours going about a block every 30 minutes or so. No one here was in a hurry to make this parade end quickly.
We joined right in with the crowd of people in costumes, the drummers, the singers and marched right along until we reached the block party at our street. It was here where we pushed our way through the huge street party that had gathered and made our way home.
Sunday night, I marched in the Carnaval Parade at the Sambadrome. Alan and Christiane were able to get a costume for me. I don't have the pictures of us yet... they're on Alan's camera... but the costume turned out to be the very same one I placed on an earlier blog post.

You can picture me in this... it's kind of an Asian/Indian theme... big baggy pants, huge feathers off the shoulders and an enormous hat/head dress thing. The seven of us were quite a site. But, marching through the Sambadrome stadium with thousands of people dancing and singing to the hundreds of drums beating was truly an experience.
Sunday we returned to the Sambadrome... this time as spectators. We arrived around 10:30. The first parade had kicked off around 9. Before I knew it, it was 4:00 am and two more Samba Schools were left to parade. Imagine 7 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parades in a row... one after the other... for two nights. Absolutely amazing.
The good news for me is that I brought the camera out and got some really great shots. Here's a taste of what I'll finish loading up later.
Only 36 hours left in Rio. I'm headed to the beach.
Needless to say, enjoy it I have. It's been a whirlwind of fun and I'll come back with more detail, but here's a quick recap.
The real signs that Carnaval was in full swing started to show up Thursday night. The usually (and relatively) quiet side streets of Rio started filling up with crowd barriers and street vendors. And, by street vendors I mean just about anyone who could drag a cooler full of water, soda and beer down the sidewalk was a full-fledged street vendor sitting side-by-side waiting for the crowds.
The crowds started to fill the street Thursday and Friday nights. But, it was really Saturday that the craziness broke out. We had made our evening trek to the gym and were walking home along the main street in Rio, Visconde de Piraja, when we came upon the Banda de Ipanema. You'll remember that Chris and I saw the Banda practice a few Saturdays ago. Tonight they were going all-out down the main drag... and had been doing so for at least 4 hours going about a block every 30 minutes or so. No one here was in a hurry to make this parade end quickly.
We joined right in with the crowd of people in costumes, the drummers, the singers and marched right along until we reached the block party at our street. It was here where we pushed our way through the huge street party that had gathered and made our way home.
Sunday night, I marched in the Carnaval Parade at the Sambadrome. Alan and Christiane were able to get a costume for me. I don't have the pictures of us yet... they're on Alan's camera... but the costume turned out to be the very same one I placed on an earlier blog post.

You can picture me in this... it's kind of an Asian/Indian theme... big baggy pants, huge feathers off the shoulders and an enormous hat/head dress thing. The seven of us were quite a site. But, marching through the Sambadrome stadium with thousands of people dancing and singing to the hundreds of drums beating was truly an experience.
Sunday we returned to the Sambadrome... this time as spectators. We arrived around 10:30. The first parade had kicked off around 9. Before I knew it, it was 4:00 am and two more Samba Schools were left to parade. Imagine 7 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parades in a row... one after the other... for two nights. Absolutely amazing.
The good news for me is that I brought the camera out and got some really great shots. Here's a taste of what I'll finish loading up later.
Only 36 hours left in Rio. I'm headed to the beach.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
I treasure the memory of that small paradise, where I ran barefooted marveling at the humming-birds, the flamboyants and bougainvilleas… the transparent sea full of sparkling foam that seemed like blue champagne.
--- Brigitte Bardot
Though she may have discovered the place in the 60's, I'm guessing Brigitte Bardot wouldn't recognize Buzios today. While it has the feel of a small resort area, with some of the most remarkable beaches I've seen, Buzios has all the trappings of a full-fledged tourist destination... a downtown area with dozens of restaurants, souvenir and t-shirt stores everywhere as well as some very high-end stores. Even so, it has a charm and relaxed atmosphere that made it a welcome escape from Rio for a few days. (Imagine that… you know the place is low-key when people who live in a beach town – Rio – go to Buzios to relax!)
Buzios is actually a collection of a few towns on a peninsula north of Rio de Janeiro city, but still in the State of Rio de Janeiro. It is a hilly area with winding roads that take you to each of the many small beaches that hide in nooks and crannies around the coast.
Throughout the area are dozens of small hotels, or Pousadas. Ours was a series of small bungalows nestled into a hillside overlooking the ocean. It has a remarkable view, which reminded me of our stay in Vela Luka, Croatia last summer. I’ll have more about the Pousadas in a future posting.

I had to drive because Anderson doesn’t have a license and, at 6’7”, Chris couldn’t fit his foot between the brake and the drive shaft in order to push the gas. As it was, I could barely fit my size 11.5 feet in there either making it very difficult to go from gas to break in any meaningful time.
I did get the camera out on this trip and got some fun shots of the beach, some boats and the downtown area. Take a look.

Back in Rio now with Carnaval kicking in. Down to my final week.
Samba School
The place was discreet, though it was the best-known dive in Shiz. It hid behind a façade of paneled-up windows. A couple of Apes roamed the street in front, bouncing troublemakers ahead of time….
The door swung open, and they went down a flight of uneven brick steps. At the bottom of the flight was a dwarf in a purple burnoose. He looked at their tickets, and said, “Where are you soft things from? Out of town?”….
They danced. The crowd was the most mixed Boq had seen in some time. There were Animals, humans, dwarfs, elves and several tik-tok things of incomplete or experimental gender. A squadron of well-built blond boys circulated with tumblers of rotgut squash wine, which the friends drank because it was free.
They were swept through the oak doors and along a slightly sloping passage whose walls were padded in red and blue velvet. A merry tune was playing farther on, a dancing ragged melody.
He felt he was knowing less and less, and it was more and more beautiful to do so. Why had he been alarmed?
--- Wicked, The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West
I’m not sure if it’s because I just finished reading this (slightly edited) passage in Wicked, or because I’ve been reading one too many guidebook entries about Samba, Carnaval, Favelas, etc. But, when we hopped into the cab on Saturday night to go to the Tijuca Samba School, I half-expected to arrive at a non-descript door, deep in a favela, knock a secret knock and walk in to a dark hall crowded with samba dancers.
Instead, we grabbed a cab, flew down the highway toward City Center and wound up at something more like a town fair/church festival/block party. When we arrived, the party was in full swing.

Far from being a dark, eerie hall, the Tijuca School party is held in an enormous outdoor pavilion – something you might find at a county fair back in The States. The drums were banging and the stage was full of men screaming (not singing) the school’s samba song. Everyone in the community seemed to be pitching in whether they were selling tickets, manning the bar, playing in the mob-of-a-samba-band up front or dancing in costume.

All night long, they sang the same songs over and over again. Mostly, they were the songs of the School... kind of like an Alma Mater. Tijuca's 2007 song can be heard if you visit their web site. It speaks of the whole world coming to see Carnival and look at the "Fantasias", or costumes. It's a catchy tune that we've been singing ever since. Check it out!
The party was so crowded and hot that we never made it to the front of the hall to see the Samba dancers. Instead, we were lucky enough that a few came out back to dance where we were. I’m assuming it was one part “show off for the tourists” and one part “there has to be some cooler air out here.”
First was a young couple – the woman dressed in a brightly colored costume, the young man in jeans and a t-shirt. Their dancing varied from a low-key tête-à-tête around each other to an all-out, frenzied rhythmic tantrum that looked as if the devil himself had possessed them both. They had clearly been dancing for hours but weren’t about to stop anytime soon.
Slowly other members of the community joined in including the shy young women who had been standing demurely at the edge of the circle and older men who looked far too old to possess the energy they demonstrated in their dancing.
Of course, it wasn’t long before they looked into the crowd for a tourist or two to join in. And, of course they went straight for me. Before I knew it, the young woman was inviting me to dance with her. It was made relatively clear by the older gentlemen that to decline would be an insult. So, into the circle I jumped and started doing the samba with her.
To say I was doing the samba “with” her isn’t quite accurate. She was going at her slower, yet wild pace. I was holding my own – but at one-tenth the speed. I felt like a Ford Fiesta pulling onto the German Autobahn and being passed by a bunch of crazed, speeding drivers in BMW’s and Mercedes Benz’.
That lasted about five minutes or so before I was able to gracefully excuse myself. A few minutes later we were back in the cab on our way home. It might not have been a real school. But, I definitely had my first, true Samba lesson.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Not That I'm Gloating, But....
It looks like a rough couple of days back home as Winter Storm Snarls Air Traffic (USA TODAY). I know the East Coast has seen some cold days in the past few weeks and my sister and her family in Holland Michigan have seen so much cold and snow that there have been weekends when they haven't even left the house. All of their Super Bowl parties were canceled. And, today my brother, Jamie< is trying to make it back to Pennsylvania from Texas. I know it's not fun.

It was bad here in Rio a few days ago. Ok... well, it was only for an hour or two. A strong storm rolled through Ipanema for a few hours. You could barely see out the window of the apartment.
Back in DC, as my friend Ben Mutzabaugh reports in the USA Today article, Washington National had to shut down early because they ran out of chemicals to fight the ice and snow. Isn't this really the first big storm of the year? And, they ran out of chemicals? Is it that bad or is this poor planning?

It was bad here in Rio a few days ago. Ok... well, it was only for an hour or two. A strong storm rolled through Ipanema for a few hours. You could barely see out the window of the apartment.
Back in DC, as my friend Ben Mutzabaugh reports in the USA Today article, Washington National had to shut down early because they ran out of chemicals to fight the ice and snow. Isn't this really the first big storm of the year? And, they ran out of chemicals? Is it that bad or is this poor planning?
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
On the Road Again
We're off to Buzios today until Thursday. It's a short two-hour ride north of Rio de Janeiro city.
All the guide books claim Brigitte Bardot discovered the village with her boyfriend in the 1960's. Today, it's known as Brazil's St. Tropez. I'll keep you posted.
All the guide books claim Brigitte Bardot discovered the village with her boyfriend in the 1960's. Today, it's known as Brazil's St. Tropez. I'll keep you posted.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Carnaval Approaches, Part II
When I think of Carnaval in Rio, I think of Roger Moore as James Bond in Moonraker making his way through a wild parade trying to outrun Jaws, the guy with the metal teeth. The crowd is huge. People are in outlandish costumes. Moore gets jostled pushing his way past a sea of revelers in order to get down the street. Drums are beating. People are dancing. It looks like absolute bedlam.... and a heck of a lot of fun.
I understand that watching the actual Carnaval parade is only slightly more civilized than that. In 1983, Rio built a permanent home for the parade called the Sambadrome. For five nights at the end of February thousands of Carnaval partiers march through the Sambadrome as part of 14 samba schools competing against each other. There are anywhere from 200 to 400 marchers per school ranging from drummers, dancers, performers and many others (including tourists) who purchase costumes and march with the schools to round out their numbers.
The party does also spread out into the streets (a la Moonraker) as neighborhood Bandas break into their own local celebrations much like we saw last week. I understand Ipanema will be mobbed for most of the week.
Now we’ve already purchased our tickets for the Sambadrome to watch the parade. It’s going to be a noisy, raucous night. The kind of once in a lifetime thing you need to experience. I’m also being told I need to also experience the other once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of actually marching in the parade with a Samba School.
My Brazilian friends from DC, Alan and Christiane, have purchased their costumes to participate. Chris did it a few years ago when he first came to visit from DC. Tanya, a friend from Oregon who has adopted Rio as her second home and Samba as her second language tells wonderful tales of marching. So, what the heck… I’m in! Alan’s checking to see if there are any costumes left for me to join them.
The costumes are over the top. Costumes like these are on display in the local Samba/Tourist agency in Ipanema and, depending on the school, sell for roughly BR400 – BR600 (about US$200 - US$300). Though not the specific costumes Alan, Christiane and (possibly) I will be wearing, they give you a good idea of what to expect.
Chris had similar expectations when he marched. Apparently the theme of the Samba School that year was Ecological Awareness… you know, Al Gore, Greenpeace, Save-the-Whales kind of stuff. Chris arrived to find that he would be playing the role of “Trash” as a foil to the “green” costumes and core message of the Samba School. So he marched through the Sambadrome covered in plastic bottles. Not quite the picture I remember from Moonraker.
So, keep your fingers crossed that 1) there is still a costume available for me; and, 2) it doesn’t involve recyclable materials. Rest assured, that either way I’ll have plenty of pictures to share.
I understand that watching the actual Carnaval parade is only slightly more civilized than that. In 1983, Rio built a permanent home for the parade called the Sambadrome. For five nights at the end of February thousands of Carnaval partiers march through the Sambadrome as part of 14 samba schools competing against each other. There are anywhere from 200 to 400 marchers per school ranging from drummers, dancers, performers and many others (including tourists) who purchase costumes and march with the schools to round out their numbers.
The party does also spread out into the streets (a la Moonraker) as neighborhood Bandas break into their own local celebrations much like we saw last week. I understand Ipanema will be mobbed for most of the week.
Now we’ve already purchased our tickets for the Sambadrome to watch the parade. It’s going to be a noisy, raucous night. The kind of once in a lifetime thing you need to experience. I’m also being told I need to also experience the other once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of actually marching in the parade with a Samba School.
My Brazilian friends from DC, Alan and Christiane, have purchased their costumes to participate. Chris did it a few years ago when he first came to visit from DC. Tanya, a friend from Oregon who has adopted Rio as her second home and Samba as her second language tells wonderful tales of marching. So, what the heck… I’m in! Alan’s checking to see if there are any costumes left for me to join them.

Chris had similar expectations when he marched. Apparently the theme of the Samba School that year was Ecological Awareness… you know, Al Gore, Greenpeace, Save-the-Whales kind of stuff. Chris arrived to find that he would be playing the role of “Trash” as a foil to the “green” costumes and core message of the Samba School. So he marched through the Sambadrome covered in plastic bottles. Not quite the picture I remember from Moonraker.
So, keep your fingers crossed that 1) there is still a costume available for me; and, 2) it doesn’t involve recyclable materials. Rest assured, that either way I’ll have plenty of pictures to share.
Friday, February 9, 2007
Lounge Act
I'm not high maintenance.
(OK, now that you've stopped laughing...) Really, I can hang with the rest of the unwashed masses. But if I can find the airport lounge, get the hotel room upgrade, sweet-talk my way into Business Class (can anybody do that these days?) well then, hey, I'm gonna do my best. Really, it's purely for professional purposes. I need to experience these things if I'm going to be successful in the Travel industry.
Which is why one of the best travel investments I made recently was to pay United Airlines at the end of 2005 to buy the last few miles I needed to qualify for Premiere Executive... which is also Star Alliance Gold. As a Gold customer you can visit an airline lounge in just about any airport in the Star Alliance system as long as you are on an international trip on an alliance carrier.
That came in very handy this summer on our way through Frankfurt to/from Croatia. Rob and I, along w/ Tanya and Dan, were able to spend some time in the Lufthansa Airlines Lounge which was just slightly more civilized than the main gate area.
So, I figured I'd use the same trick as I flew Varig on my way between Rio and Buenos Aires -- my last chance to do so as my Premiere Exec runs out at the end of February. (Far too many trips to/from DCA and LGA on Delta this year instead of trans-continental flights on UA.) What I didn't realize was that Varig left the Star Alliance in December. Neither, apparently, did the nice women at the Varig lounges who let me in.
The lounge in Rio (GIG) was actually very nice. Well maintained. Clean. Relatively new furniture. Edible sandwiches. The lounge in Buenos Aires (EZE) was a different story. It reminded me of the old LaGuardia Shuttle Terminal before we renovated it in 1999. Beat up chairs soaked in cigarette smoke. An old coffee machine. And, no Wi-Fi! I didn't stay very long.
I high-tailed it over to United. It's there that the very nice United lady told me that Varig left the Star Alliance and, apparently, took with it my privileges. But, she did point me toward the American Express lounge... which is the moral of this long-winded blog entry.
American Express has a Centurion Lounge here in the Buenos Aires (EZE) airport. Anyone with an Amex card can use the facility. As best I can tell from the Amex.com site, they have a similar lounge in Sao Paulo and Mexico City. I couldn’t find any additional clubs listed on a very quick search of the Amex.com site. And, while the site says Platinum card members get access, I flashed my two Gold cards and walked right in.
The EZE club is very well maintained and spacious. The staff was super friendly. There appeared to be a full bar and snacks. And, yes Wi-Fi and Web access. Finally, the annual fees and bank charges I’ve been paying American Express all these years have paid off. Of course, by the time I found the club, my flight was boarding and I could only glance around before running back out the door. Sigh.
(OK, now that you've stopped laughing...) Really, I can hang with the rest of the unwashed masses. But if I can find the airport lounge, get the hotel room upgrade, sweet-talk my way into Business Class (can anybody do that these days?) well then, hey, I'm gonna do my best. Really, it's purely for professional purposes. I need to experience these things if I'm going to be successful in the Travel industry.
Which is why one of the best travel investments I made recently was to pay United Airlines at the end of 2005 to buy the last few miles I needed to qualify for Premiere Executive... which is also Star Alliance Gold. As a Gold customer you can visit an airline lounge in just about any airport in the Star Alliance system as long as you are on an international trip on an alliance carrier.
That came in very handy this summer on our way through Frankfurt to/from Croatia. Rob and I, along w/ Tanya and Dan, were able to spend some time in the Lufthansa Airlines Lounge which was just slightly more civilized than the main gate area.
So, I figured I'd use the same trick as I flew Varig on my way between Rio and Buenos Aires -- my last chance to do so as my Premiere Exec runs out at the end of February. (Far too many trips to/from DCA and LGA on Delta this year instead of trans-continental flights on UA.) What I didn't realize was that Varig left the Star Alliance in December. Neither, apparently, did the nice women at the Varig lounges who let me in.
The lounge in Rio (GIG) was actually very nice. Well maintained. Clean. Relatively new furniture. Edible sandwiches. The lounge in Buenos Aires (EZE) was a different story. It reminded me of the old LaGuardia Shuttle Terminal before we renovated it in 1999. Beat up chairs soaked in cigarette smoke. An old coffee machine. And, no Wi-Fi! I didn't stay very long.
I high-tailed it over to United. It's there that the very nice United lady told me that Varig left the Star Alliance and, apparently, took with it my privileges. But, she did point me toward the American Express lounge... which is the moral of this long-winded blog entry.
American Express has a Centurion Lounge here in the Buenos Aires (EZE) airport. Anyone with an Amex card can use the facility. As best I can tell from the Amex.com site, they have a similar lounge in Sao Paulo and Mexico City. I couldn’t find any additional clubs listed on a very quick search of the Amex.com site. And, while the site says Platinum card members get access, I flashed my two Gold cards and walked right in.
The EZE club is very well maintained and spacious. The staff was super friendly. There appeared to be a full bar and snacks. And, yes Wi-Fi and Web access. Finally, the annual fees and bank charges I’ve been paying American Express all these years have paid off. Of course, by the time I found the club, my flight was boarding and I could only glance around before running back out the door. Sigh.
On a Completely Unrelated Note...
Has anyone seen this Coldplay video, The Hardest Part? It’s the one with the 84 year-old woman dancing w/ the 25 year-old guy? It’s all over the TV down here. I’m wondering if it’s a local sensation or something they’re playing back in the States.
While I guess I'm inspired by the woman’s ability to dance, jump, stretch, move, etc., I am really worried that at some point they’re going to be doing this act and she’s just going to snap in half. I'm telling you its freaky. I can't watch the thing.
More power to 'em, I guess.
While I guess I'm inspired by the woman’s ability to dance, jump, stretch, move, etc., I am really worried that at some point they’re going to be doing this act and she’s just going to snap in half. I'm telling you its freaky. I can't watch the thing.
More power to 'em, I guess.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Don't Cry for Me...
I flew into Buenos Aires on Tuesday afternoon. It's a wonderful place with some great neighborhoods to explore, great food, friendly people and a devalued currency that makes everything cheap! What more could you want?!

My first glimpse of the city was from less than 10,000 feet when we were flying in over the very muddy bay called Rio de la Plata. As I looked off into the distance and began to see land I got a feel for just how large this city is. It's not unlike flying into LaGuardia in New York... blocks and blocks of homes inside the city. But, Buenos Aires stretches on for miles and miles more than even Queens does. The other thing that struck me is how utterly flat this part of the country is.
After a bit of a struggle through the airport (I had no cash and my card wouldn't work in the ATM machines) I found a car service that would take my Visa and made the trip in to the city. All along the ride, clean streets, wide boulevards... an impressive city.
I'm staying at the Esplendor de Buenos Aires a hotel I saw mentioned in more than one review of the city in Travel+Leisure and elsewhere. It's a new, boutique hotel in the city center. So, the room is great. The property very nice. The staff fantastic. But, the location is tough. Great for daytime as it's attached to Florida Street, and huge, pedestrian strip of shops. But, at night the area is dead. The good news is that they had excess capacity mid-week so I not only got a good rate (via my friends at Travelocity) but they threw in a dinner and Tango show. (More on that later.)
Soon after I arrived, I found myself being picked up for dinner by Emiliano, a friend of a business colleague, Martin Schaedel, whom I met at the PhoCusWright conference in Hollywood in November. Martin's a great guy... an entreprenuer and investor from Copenhagen... who has traveled the world and built a large address book full of friends. He's been terrific at introducing me to people as I travel. Emiliano is one of those folks.
Both of them are young entrepreneurs who have done very well for themselves. I think Emiliano built his first company in his teens… and more recently built and sold a much larger company focused on Internet security. All of this before his mid-30’s.
He quickly got me out of the downtown area and into one of the nicest neighborhoods in town, Palermo, a remarkable story of an area reborn in the past few years. It’s full of trendy restaurants, boutique hotels and high-end shopping. Note: This is where you find your hotel in BA.
Dinner was at Casa Cruz. When you walk up, it has these amazing 16 foot bronze doors on the front. Inside is what Time Out calls “The most daring and imaginative restaurant venue to hit the city since… well, ever.” It was hip, trendy, flashy and suave. Later we caught up w/ Emiliano’s fiancé, Pola and her friends at a local watering hole, a great way to experience my first night in BA. A great big thanks to Emiliano and Pola for making me feel so welcome.
Wednesday night I decided to taste a bit of the local culture and history. My hotel room came with a free dinner and Tango show which I had no intention of redeeming. (The rate I got for the room was cheaper with the Tango package than the rack rate offered.) But at the last minute (very last minute) I called downstairs, booked a seat, rushed through the shower and to the show at El Querandi.
Apart from sitting through a two-hour dinner by myself I did enjoy the show. I’ve got a great picture of me at the bar with the bartender (they were taking pix of the customers to sell later and I was NOT going to take mine alone), but it’s a print that I’ll have to scan to load up here later. The show was worth going to… even if to just say I did it. There’s a lot of history in this city and the tango is very much a part of that, so I enjoyed seeing the local flavor.
Wednesday was spent exploring the Recoleta neighborhood where my friend Joel lives. (Thanks for the tips, Joel!) This is high-end Buenos Aires. The regal Alvear Palace Hotel is in the neighborhood as is the Cementario de la Recoleta… the former being where wealthy and important people stay the later where they stay after they’ve passed. In fact, I heard it said that the cemetery is harder to get into than the posh flats that surround it. Perhaps the most famous resident (of the Cementario) is Maria Eva Duarte de Peron (aka Evita Peron). Like many others, I made the pilgrimage to her crypt – and I took pictures!
Yes, I took pictures. I finally dragged out the SLR and started taking pictures. And, I got to play with my new wide-angle lens. It’s the simple pleasures in life that make us most happy.
While I didn’t nearly take enough shots during the two days I was here, I was grateful to feel comfortable enough to walk around with the gear. I’m not completely shell-shocked from my experience in Rio. But, I haven’t felt great about pulling out all the equipment back there.
Thursday I went back on the road and into the Palermo neighborhood for some wandering, shopping, cafes and exploring. All-in-all a great day. I was thrilled to find myself in the Diesel store. I brought five pair of jeans to Rio (traveling with pants and in them) but I've also lost a bit of weight over the past few weeks. I've gone from a 34" waist and back to a 32" waist. Less stress? Less eating? More exercise? Who knows?! All I know is I needed a pair of jeans that didn't fall down without a belt.
Going to be up early in the morning for the flight back to Rio. A good first taste of BA. Looking forward to coming back.

My first glimpse of the city was from less than 10,000 feet when we were flying in over the very muddy bay called Rio de la Plata. As I looked off into the distance and began to see land I got a feel for just how large this city is. It's not unlike flying into LaGuardia in New York... blocks and blocks of homes inside the city. But, Buenos Aires stretches on for miles and miles more than even Queens does. The other thing that struck me is how utterly flat this part of the country is.
After a bit of a struggle through the airport (I had no cash and my card wouldn't work in the ATM machines) I found a car service that would take my Visa and made the trip in to the city. All along the ride, clean streets, wide boulevards... an impressive city.
I'm staying at the Esplendor de Buenos Aires a hotel I saw mentioned in more than one review of the city in Travel+Leisure and elsewhere. It's a new, boutique hotel in the city center. So, the room is great. The property very nice. The staff fantastic. But, the location is tough. Great for daytime as it's attached to Florida Street, and huge, pedestrian strip of shops. But, at night the area is dead. The good news is that they had excess capacity mid-week so I not only got a good rate (via my friends at Travelocity) but they threw in a dinner and Tango show. (More on that later.)
Soon after I arrived, I found myself being picked up for dinner by Emiliano, a friend of a business colleague, Martin Schaedel, whom I met at the PhoCusWright conference in Hollywood in November. Martin's a great guy... an entreprenuer and investor from Copenhagen... who has traveled the world and built a large address book full of friends. He's been terrific at introducing me to people as I travel. Emiliano is one of those folks.
Both of them are young entrepreneurs who have done very well for themselves. I think Emiliano built his first company in his teens… and more recently built and sold a much larger company focused on Internet security. All of this before his mid-30’s.
He quickly got me out of the downtown area and into one of the nicest neighborhoods in town, Palermo, a remarkable story of an area reborn in the past few years. It’s full of trendy restaurants, boutique hotels and high-end shopping. Note: This is where you find your hotel in BA.
Dinner was at Casa Cruz. When you walk up, it has these amazing 16 foot bronze doors on the front. Inside is what Time Out calls “The most daring and imaginative restaurant venue to hit the city since… well, ever.” It was hip, trendy, flashy and suave. Later we caught up w/ Emiliano’s fiancé, Pola and her friends at a local watering hole, a great way to experience my first night in BA. A great big thanks to Emiliano and Pola for making me feel so welcome.
Wednesday night I decided to taste a bit of the local culture and history. My hotel room came with a free dinner and Tango show which I had no intention of redeeming. (The rate I got for the room was cheaper with the Tango package than the rack rate offered.) But at the last minute (very last minute) I called downstairs, booked a seat, rushed through the shower and to the show at El Querandi.
Apart from sitting through a two-hour dinner by myself I did enjoy the show. I’ve got a great picture of me at the bar with the bartender (they were taking pix of the customers to sell later and I was NOT going to take mine alone), but it’s a print that I’ll have to scan to load up here later. The show was worth going to… even if to just say I did it. There’s a lot of history in this city and the tango is very much a part of that, so I enjoyed seeing the local flavor.

Yes, I took pictures. I finally dragged out the SLR and started taking pictures. And, I got to play with my new wide-angle lens. It’s the simple pleasures in life that make us most happy.
While I didn’t nearly take enough shots during the two days I was here, I was grateful to feel comfortable enough to walk around with the gear. I’m not completely shell-shocked from my experience in Rio. But, I haven’t felt great about pulling out all the equipment back there.
Thursday I went back on the road and into the Palermo neighborhood for some wandering, shopping, cafes and exploring. All-in-all a great day. I was thrilled to find myself in the Diesel store. I brought five pair of jeans to Rio (traveling with pants and in them) but I've also lost a bit of weight over the past few weeks. I've gone from a 34" waist and back to a 32" waist. Less stress? Less eating? More exercise? Who knows?! All I know is I needed a pair of jeans that didn't fall down without a belt.
Going to be up early in the morning for the flight back to Rio. A good first taste of BA. Looking forward to coming back.
Monday, February 5, 2007
OK.. I'm a Dope -- And other musings on being naive.
I had a great day today which included exploring the Leblon neighborhood which is West of Ipanema. Much more residential and less touristy than Ipanema, it was a fun change of pace.
I also went over to the Botanic Gardens -- a short cab ride away. The gardens are adjacent to the Lagoa (or lake) area all of which is very high-end and beautiful. What a peaceful, wonderful afternoon. Quiet in the middle of the city. Complete with a nice lunch in the midst of the oasis.
Unfortunately, I got a bit more sun than I bargained for. "Why didn't you put on the 30 SPF Copertone Sport Sun Screen you lugged all the way from Washington," you say. Well, because it was stolen from me on the beach yesterday... along w/ my messenger bag, my small digital camera, a new watch and a baseball cap. I'm not sure what else was in the bag, but I haven't remembered anything of irreplaceable value – yet.
I was down on the beach late in the day yesterday with some friends and we were all talking up a storm. The sun was setting in one direction, and a Police Helicopter had just hovered over the ocean in another direction -- signifying something was in the water. Everyone was looking toward the water to see if there was something to see. It was just at this point that I reached for my bag to get my small camera and a picture of the sunset... and found the bag was gone.
Now, everyone had warned me to watch my stuff on the beach. Moreover, they asked why I needed to bring a bag to the beach when all you really need is your sunglasses, some sunscreen and a kanga -- or small, sarong-like towel. Well, if you know me, you know I also need the hat, the book, the camera, the watch... you get the picture. I’m very high maintenance. (Traveling with Pants, right?) Apparently the person who took my bag also noted that I need to bring everything with me.
I'm really amazed at how quickly they were able to get it. And, I'm not entirely stupid. I had it resting against my leg. It's beyond me how they could possibly have gotten between me and the next group over to take it.
The good news is everything can be replaced. They didn't get my big camera (which I've been nervous about taking out); they didn't get any money or credit cards; there was no passport. But, they did get my AOL messenger bag with the dancing "Running Man" on the outside. Now, that can't be replaced.
I’m being entirely philosophical about the whole thing. It’s one of life’s teachable moments, right? It’s unfortunate that a beautiful place like Rio is burdened with a level of crime like this.
I’m going to do a post on the crime and my impressions of it at some point. More to come.
Tomorrow, I’m off to Buenos Aires. My friend Joel has been very kind to send a great list of things to do. And, Martin has introduced me to many people online. It should be a great week.
I also went over to the Botanic Gardens -- a short cab ride away. The gardens are adjacent to the Lagoa (or lake) area all of which is very high-end and beautiful. What a peaceful, wonderful afternoon. Quiet in the middle of the city. Complete with a nice lunch in the midst of the oasis.
Unfortunately, I got a bit more sun than I bargained for. "Why didn't you put on the 30 SPF Copertone Sport Sun Screen you lugged all the way from Washington," you say. Well, because it was stolen from me on the beach yesterday... along w/ my messenger bag, my small digital camera, a new watch and a baseball cap. I'm not sure what else was in the bag, but I haven't remembered anything of irreplaceable value – yet.
I was down on the beach late in the day yesterday with some friends and we were all talking up a storm. The sun was setting in one direction, and a Police Helicopter had just hovered over the ocean in another direction -- signifying something was in the water. Everyone was looking toward the water to see if there was something to see. It was just at this point that I reached for my bag to get my small camera and a picture of the sunset... and found the bag was gone.
Now, everyone had warned me to watch my stuff on the beach. Moreover, they asked why I needed to bring a bag to the beach when all you really need is your sunglasses, some sunscreen and a kanga -- or small, sarong-like towel. Well, if you know me, you know I also need the hat, the book, the camera, the watch... you get the picture. I’m very high maintenance. (Traveling with Pants, right?) Apparently the person who took my bag also noted that I need to bring everything with me.
I'm really amazed at how quickly they were able to get it. And, I'm not entirely stupid. I had it resting against my leg. It's beyond me how they could possibly have gotten between me and the next group over to take it.
The good news is everything can be replaced. They didn't get my big camera (which I've been nervous about taking out); they didn't get any money or credit cards; there was no passport. But, they did get my AOL messenger bag with the dancing "Running Man" on the outside. Now, that can't be replaced.
I’m being entirely philosophical about the whole thing. It’s one of life’s teachable moments, right? It’s unfortunate that a beautiful place like Rio is burdened with a level of crime like this.
I’m going to do a post on the crime and my impressions of it at some point. More to come.
Tomorrow, I’m off to Buenos Aires. My friend Joel has been very kind to send a great list of things to do. And, Martin has introduced me to many people online. It should be a great week.
Saturday, February 3, 2007
First Signs of Carnaval
We were on our way to the beach Saturday when Chris remembered that this was the day that the Banda de Ipanema was to hold their first march in preparation for Carnaval. This is one of the first celebrations of Carnaval and apparently a small indication of what the actual event will be like. I'll have more on Carnaval in a future post, but I wanted to share our fun from yesterday.
From my Lonely Planet guide:
Attending a Banda is one of the best ways to celebrate Carnaval. BANDAS, also called BLOCOS, consist of a procession of drummers and singing, followed by anyone who wants to dance through the streets. To join in, all you have to do is show up.
And, this entry about Banda de Ipanema in particular:
This longstanding BANDA starts from Ipanema. It's a wild crowd, complete with drag queens and others in costumer. Don't miss it.
Well, that was an understatement. Take a look...
I'm a little disappointed that I didn't have my larger, SLR camera with me, but I have been shy about taking that out in public. So, the photos and the video below were taken with my smaller Digital Elph. Hopefully, they give you a good feel for what we experienced today.
The party in the street went on for hours, though we only stayed for a short while. The parade was a series of start/stops inching along a few feet at a time. When we returned to the neighborhood about five hours later, the party was still going strong.
From my Lonely Planet guide:
Attending a Banda is one of the best ways to celebrate Carnaval. BANDAS, also called BLOCOS, consist of a procession of drummers and singing, followed by anyone who wants to dance through the streets. To join in, all you have to do is show up.
And, this entry about Banda de Ipanema in particular:
This longstanding BANDA starts from Ipanema. It's a wild crowd, complete with drag queens and others in costumer. Don't miss it.
Well, that was an understatement. Take a look...
I'm a little disappointed that I didn't have my larger, SLR camera with me, but I have been shy about taking that out in public. So, the photos and the video below were taken with my smaller Digital Elph. Hopefully, they give you a good feel for what we experienced today.
The party in the street went on for hours, though we only stayed for a short while. The parade was a series of start/stops inching along a few feet at a time. When we returned to the neighborhood about five hours later, the party was still going strong.
Friday, February 2, 2007
Onde Esta?
I know, since arriving back in Rio on Monday I've all but disappeared from the blog. Take it as a sign that I'm relaxing and enjoying Rio.
The weather hadn't been cooperating entirely for the past few days, but that didn't stop me from heading to the beach with my book. On Wednesday I sat down on the beach at 3:00 pm with a very overcast sky and only a few dozen other hard-nosed beachgoers (read "tourist"). I used the time to finish reading Wicked. Great book. Very deep. Much darker than the Broadway show that followed.
Yesterday, the weather cooperated and the sun was shining strong throughout the day. I was in the middle of my morning routine (wake late, check the news online, hit the gym, home for lunch) when I was crossing the street in the middle of Ipanema and ran into a good friend from DC. Alan is originally from Brazil but I have known him in DC for years. He and his friend Christiane (also Brazilian) are back here visiting family and staying for Carnival. I am very excited that they're here as it adds more members to our group of friends.
A few months ago, Daily Candy had one of their regular columns on new words. One of my favorites was PUI -- planning under the influence. It describes all those great plans you make with friends usually late at night, maybe at a bar or club, after everyone's been drinking. Well, I will admit to having a caipirinha or two on the beach, and we definitely fell into PUI mode w/ Alan and Christiane. But, I'm excited that we were all making plans.
There's tons to do here in Rio and Brazil, and in my first week in town I haven't even begun to scratch the surface. All of us are ready to check out the local attractions (Cristo Redentor: the statue of Christ that overlooks the city; Sugarloaf Mountain; hang gliding) as well as heading outside the city (Buzios and Arraial do Cabo: two beach resorts about 2 hours north of Rio).

They're also talking me into marching with a Samba School in the Carnaval parades coming up at the end of my trip. I'll have more on that in another posting because it deserves much more time than I'm going to give it right now. It's 12:15, the sun is out again today and I have a very busy schedule to get to this morning. ;-)
The weather hadn't been cooperating entirely for the past few days, but that didn't stop me from heading to the beach with my book. On Wednesday I sat down on the beach at 3:00 pm with a very overcast sky and only a few dozen other hard-nosed beachgoers (read "tourist"). I used the time to finish reading Wicked. Great book. Very deep. Much darker than the Broadway show that followed.
Yesterday, the weather cooperated and the sun was shining strong throughout the day. I was in the middle of my morning routine (wake late, check the news online, hit the gym, home for lunch) when I was crossing the street in the middle of Ipanema and ran into a good friend from DC. Alan is originally from Brazil but I have known him in DC for years. He and his friend Christiane (also Brazilian) are back here visiting family and staying for Carnival. I am very excited that they're here as it adds more members to our group of friends.
A few months ago, Daily Candy had one of their regular columns on new words. One of my favorites was PUI -- planning under the influence. It describes all those great plans you make with friends usually late at night, maybe at a bar or club, after everyone's been drinking. Well, I will admit to having a caipirinha or two on the beach, and we definitely fell into PUI mode w/ Alan and Christiane. But, I'm excited that we were all making plans.
There's tons to do here in Rio and Brazil, and in my first week in town I haven't even begun to scratch the surface. All of us are ready to check out the local attractions (Cristo Redentor: the statue of Christ that overlooks the city; Sugarloaf Mountain; hang gliding) as well as heading outside the city (Buzios and Arraial do Cabo: two beach resorts about 2 hours north of Rio).

They're also talking me into marching with a Samba School in the Carnaval parades coming up at the end of my trip. I'll have more on that in another posting because it deserves much more time than I'm going to give it right now. It's 12:15, the sun is out again today and I have a very busy schedule to get to this morning. ;-)
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