AOL was a wonderful place to work -- offering me amazing opportunities for both professional and personal growth. I loved working for a "Big Brand" company (similar to my time at US Airways prior to AOL) and my timing at AOL was perfect.
I arrived at the company in Spring of 2001 shortly after the Time Warner merger. I have often joked that I was part of the "Clean Up" crew. The folks who made their millions during the early years of the company had moved on. We were seeing changes in management and strategy every six months. Finally, Jon Miller came to the company and established some stability. Those of us in the clean up crew were faced with the challenge of creating a lasting, viable company strategy. It was a great challenge that culminated with the relaunch of the company's business model this year. Unfortunately, it also culminated with a change in managment -- including the departure of Mr. Miller and many others.
The friends I worked with at AOL are wonderful people. They were incredibly generous upon my departure -- hosting a great dinner complete with thoughtful gifts and nostalgic stories. I'll miss them very much, but know that we'll keep in touch in the coming years.
I wish them all the best of luck as AOL goes through this time of transition.